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Resolved – Summer ’21! - 1/1/21

January 1, 2021

We’ve all greeted 2021 with feelings of hope that coming months will see some relief from the dreadful challenges of our world’s modern pandemic. The hope will doubtless take shape as some personal goal-setting. When there’s a clean new calendar in front of you, it’s that old chestnut, The New Year’s Resolution.

Our Pathfinder people are usually resolving to drop the holiday weight, spend more time outside in winter play, touch up the grades, get in shape for the summer of canoe tripping, or stay in closer touch with camp friends.

Resolutions are notoriously fragile, but there’s one that will be durable this year. It’s one already known to be shared by hundreds of Pathfinder folk young and old. It started the minute we heard that camp would not be able to open for Summer 2020. The resolution is simply to get back to Pathfinder Island and be part of the 2021 Season.

This will be the 108th Pathfinder summer. You can’t imagine how many camp people are out there, rooting for us to convene on Source Lake and share the Camp Pathfinder magic once again in 2021.

Campers and their parents are all too ready for the boys to dive back into these marvelous friendships, the tonic of physical activity, the rejuvenating weeks of rustic island living, the adventure of the canoe trips, the oh-so-needed break from screens, the hilariously funny moments, and the golden cherished ones.

Alumni are just as eager to see their beloved tradition back in play, getting that wonderful charge of vicarious energy on July 1 each year, knowing that a Big Moment is happening once again on the Pathfinder motor boat dock.

One group of Pathfinder people uniquely driven by this shared resolution is the lucky crew of staff who were able to spend Summer 2020 working alone on the Island. Besides yours truly, this little crew includes the business, program and tripping directors, area supervisors, canoe makers, and heads of waterfront, canoeing, CITs and in-camp action. We quarantined and tested, made our bubble at Pathfinder, then worked for 17 weeks to make the island shine for a renaissance summer to come.

Tip your caps to the resolve of this senior staff team, who I watched go non-stop while building, repairing, replanting, painting and planning fun for a summer they are determined to make healthy, safe and awesome. Their effort is matched by a year of careful planning for 2021.

There’s just one big 2021 resolution shared by this crew – Getting the lonely island buzzing once again with the energy of Pathfinder people.

We worked and lived together in good health during a pandemic, with the common goal of sharing Pathfinder once again with all of you in safety, good health and contentment.

There’s a lot of work still ahead during the opening months of our new year. There’s detailed planning and partnership with public health, the OCA and the Ontario government. There’s important time to spend making sure everyone knows the plan and is comfortable with their part of it.

It will be one big Pathfinder team resolution, and it’s one we can all absolutely keep!


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